Law of Marginal Utility

Law of Marginal Utility


The law of marginal utility reflects human behavior. It determines how people spend their time and money and how much value they assign to each item in their lives. The law states that the utility of an additional unit of a good or service decreases directly to the increase in the amount of that good or service. People often use this principle when deciding what to purchase at the supermarket, where they might spend more on one item than another because it has more units available for purchase but less satisfaction from each unit consumed (i.e., each banana costs approximately two cents while an apple costs approximately five cents).

The law of marginal utility states that the utility of an additional unit of a good or service decreases directly to the increase in the amount of that good or service.

The concept is based on diminishing marginal returns and was first formulated by economist William Stanley Jevons, who published his theory in 1871. It applies to any quantity produced or consumed as well as to quantities demanded by consumers at different prices, such as resources used up by one person’s consumption.

The law of substitution

The law of substitution states that if one alternative is unavailable, another will often be substituted for it. For example, if you are out of milk and you have orange juice or water available to make your breakfast cereal with, these are suitable substitutes in terms of their nutritional value and cost per cup (orange juice has more nutrients than water).
If there was no other option but orange juice to eat while on vacation at the beach with friends but they don’t have any bottles in their car, then your best bet would be drinking plain old tap water instead since it’s cheap and available anywhere there’s a faucet nearby!

The law of diminishing marginal utility

The law of diminishing marginal utility is the claim that as people become accustomed to having more of something, they start getting less satisfaction from each additional unit.

This is a law of economics that states that as people become accustomed to having more of something, they start getting less satisfaction from each additional unit.

It’s important to note that this doesn’t mean your brain will be ruined if you overeat ice cream at once or work out for hours on end every day—it’s about how your body feels after using up all its energy stores. When something has diminishing marginal utility, it means we get less bang for our buck with the same amount of effort used to acquire it in the first place. For example: If I buy a new pair of shoes and wear them around town today (using up my “energy”), then tomorrow when I go out again wearing those same shoes (using up my “energy”), they’ll feel like they’re already worn out!

A person in London has more money than someone in Manchester but lives more cheaply than someone in Edinburgh.

The first thing to note is that the cost of living in London is higher than in the other two cities. This means that if you have more money than someone else but need to spend less on housing, food, or transportation then it will be better for them to live in Manchester or Edinburgh.

The second point is that there are many ways of getting around this problem by moving from one place to another within Great Britain rather than moving overseas entirely. For example, people who move from Manchester could commute daily into central London for work (or even live there). This would mean they’d pay less each month on rent and could save up enough money towards their retirement before moving back home at some point later down the line!


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It’s best to keep it short and memorable—but avoid sounding like you’re trying too hard to be concise.


The law of diminishing marginal utility, in particular, is an important cornerstone of economic theory. It has been shown through numerous experiments that people behave this way when they can choose between two options. For instance, as we mentioned above, one person might have more money than another but live more cheaply because of housing costs or other factors; the person with less money may choose to live further away from work because he doesn’t want to pay high transportation costs every day.

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