April 2023

Line and Staff Organisation

Line and Staff Organisation

Line and Staff Organisation This method was developed to remove the defects of the Line Organisation and Functional Organisation. Under this system, the work is divided into independent divisions and responsibility is also divided in a scalar form but a technical specialist is also appointed along with the departmental heads. These specialists only give advice

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Line Organisation

Line Organisation

Line Organisation This form of organisation has several names like Vertical Organisation, Scalar Organisation, Military Type Organisation or Departmental Organisation. This is the oldest and most popular form of organisation. It creates a chain of command, which allows the flow of authority downwards, from the top management to the subordinates. In other words, the highest

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Importance of Organisation in Modern Industrial Enterprises

Importance of Organisation The importance of organisation can be easily understood by Andrew Carnegie’s words that the organisation is the foundation of business enterprise. Take away our factories, our trade, our avenues of transportation, our, wealth, leave only our organisation with us and we shall re-establish ourselves in just few years.

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