Suggestions To Solve Population Problem

Population Problem In India Dr. Julian Huxley has written in his book India’s condition in relation to population problem is very troublesome. If, India is unable to find a solution to the problem of population, a big political and soda distortion may arise. But, if, it succeeds it would not only get the lead in […]

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Population Explosion In India

The impact of “Population Explosion” (Rapid Growing Population) on India’s economic development. Is India over-populated? A critical examination of the present population policy. POPULATION EXPLOSION The fastest rise in the population of India was during the period of 1951 to 1981, in which the population was from 36 crores in 1951 was reached around 70

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Industrial Development Suggestions for India

Industrial Development in Developing Countries In developed countries, there are several favorable conditions for Industrial Development, but in poor and developing countries there are several problems in its development. Even after some significant developments in the field of Industrialization in India, the country is still an agricultural country and 38% of the national income and

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Industrialization In India

Industrialization In Developing Countries In developed countries, there are several favorable conditions for industrialization, but in poor and developing countries there are several problems in its development. Even after some significant developments in the field of Industrialization in India, the country is still an agricultural country and 38% of the national income and 70% of

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