
Utility – Concept and Characteristics of Utility

Meaning of Utility Utility means the power that satisfies any want. It is such an internal quality; which is found in all commodities desired by a person. The quality (power or capability) of a commodity which satisfies the human want; directly or indirectly is called Utility. Those commodities, which have wants satisfying power are called

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Macro Economics – Importance and Limitations

Meaning of Macro Economics The word macro means big. Thus, in Macro Economics, either the whole economy is studied or those big units which are related to the economy as a whole. Definition In the words of Prof. Boulding Macro Economics deals not with individual quantities as such but aggregates of these quantities, not with individual

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Micro Economics – Importance and Limitations

Introduction to Micro Economics In the present times, the study of economics is done from two viewpoints namely Micro and Macro. From the first viewpoint, the economic problems of various units, like – individuals, families, firms etc. are studied individually, whereas; from the second viewpoint, the same units of persons, families, firms etc., are studied in

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Robbins Scarce Means Definition Of Economics

Introduction to Robbins Definition Robbin’s definition of Economics challenged Dr. Marshall’s definition of Economics which was a major improvement over the definition of Adam Smith and other ancient Economists. Before Prof. Lionel Robbins, Prof. Marshall tried to give a complete and faultless definition of economics. At that time people started thinking that Economic Science has

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Marshall Definition Criticism – Robbins Analysis

Criticism Of Marshall Definition Dr. Marshall’s definition of Economics is a major improvement over the definition of Adam Smith and other ancient Economists. This definition was recognized between 1890 to 1932 and it seemed that the controversy relating to the definition of Economics had ended. But a renowned Professor of The London School of Economics,

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